About Us

Welcome to filyour.com, your one-stop destination for finance and stock market related articles. Our aim is to spread financial awareness and knowledge to people all over the world through our well-researched and informative articles.

We believe that knowledge of finance and the stock market is essential for a secure future and financial stability. Therefore, we strive to provide articles that can help our readers make informed decisions when it comes to investing and managing their money.

Our primary objective is to provide high-quality articles that motivate people to learn more about finance and the stock market. We are committed to making financial literacy accessible and easy to understand for everyone. Join us on our journey towards a financially aware world.

Founder of Filyour.com

filyour.com and YouTube Channel was founded in year 2022 by Sachin Poddar (a popular SEO expert in India), with a mission to educate people about the importance of money management and investment.

With years of experience in the financial industry, Sachin Poddar and his dedicated team of over 3 full-time journalists who are Finance enthusiasts just like him, provide valuable insights and analysis on various investment options, stocks, mutual funds, and other financial instruments.

Our Aim

The aim of filyour.com is to provide informative articles related to finance and stock market. Our goal is to spread financial knowledge and promote financial literacy to people all over the world. We strive to provide high-quality articles that will inspire our readers to learn more about finance, make informed investment decisions, and secure a better financial future.

Contact us– sachinpoddar1988@gmail.com

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